To what extent does attitude targets multiple audiences? Audience targeting refers to how a producer addresses a particular audience. Every media product will have a target audience, and these should be as specific as possible. There are two explicit reasons why producers must target a specific audience rather than anyone and everyone: To allow the target audience to identify with, and to engage with the media product. This means that he will hopefully keep buying it, and To sell advertising space to advertisers who will be able to target this audience It is often said that media products are not in the business of selling a product, they are instead in the business of selling audiences. If a media producer can say to an advertiser "Attitude online's audience are gay men, working-class, aged 25 - 50, aspirational, interested in holidays, fashion and the theatre, and with a larger expendable income than average", then advertisers can use targeted a...
How have new digital technologies effected how the online media industry is regulated ? Catch up and downloadable shows and films No need for proof of age when signing up for things Shows and films can be watched anywhere at any time Regulation is widely ineffective and are near impossible to enforce Plan: Introduction. Accessibility has increased in recent years, making download sites and social media more popular. There is no need for users to provide proof of age when signing up for sites. Platforms such as youtube are self-regulated by the content creator rather than a governing body. (Content is regulated by a financial incentive) Creators who are paid to advertise products do not have to tell their audience that they are being paid to sell the product, misleading the audience. (Zoella- Blurring of advertising and reality) Increase in power of companies makes it hard to hold them accountable More convergent digital techno...