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Showing posts from January, 2019


Adbusters. Detournement- highjacking or rerouting meaning. (Culture jamming) The practise of criticising and subverting advertising and consumerism in the mass media by methods such as producing advertisements parodying those global brands.

Key Theory 12 and 13

To what extent are Woman and Adbusters examples of specialised and institutionalised media productions? (Make references to their distribution and and circulation) Woman was competing with Woman's Own and Woman's Weekly. the three rivals joined together and were owned by a company called IPC. Their sales peaked at in 1959, selling around 2.6 million, 3.1 million and 1.8 million each. Women was published weekly and had a low cover price especially for a full colour magazine. Within a year the magazine was selling 5000,000 copies a week.  TI Media, is a consumer magazine and digital publisher in the United Kingdom, with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year. It is owned by a fund affiliated with British private equity firm Epiris. CEO:   Marcus Rich (Mar 2014–Present) Founded:   1963 Subsidiaries:   Mousebreaker Parent organisation:   Time Inc. Headquarters:   London, United Kingdom IPC Media , publisher of...

Mini Mock/ The Devil Wears Prada

Mini Mock How does the front cover of the set edition of Woman reflect the socio-historical context in which it was made?  Make reference to the front cover and one other article from the set edition. The cover of woman magazine has been specifically designed this way to attract a certain audience. The pink back ground combined with the flowing serif font suggests that the primary audience for this magazine is the average house wife of the 1960's. Secondary to this, the magazine wants to appeal to men as well, making them want to buy the magazine for their wife. They have done this be including lines such as "Lingerie goes lively" to interest men in the content of the magazine. This is an example of B ell Hook's feminist theory which says that women's bodies are being used in media products as a spectacle for heterosexual men which reenforces patriarchal hegemony.     The main image of the cover, an average looking house wife, has been used to appeal...

Woman Magazine

Brand Identity- The way that businesses present themselves to their audience. Advertising Stereotypes Tastes and interests     different target audiences difference in confidence different look/ style models are different ends of the beauty scale

Key Theory 9- Bell Hooks- The Feminist Theory 2

Key Theory 9- Bell Hooks- The Feminist Theory 2 Feminism is a struggle to end patriarchal society  and the dominance of women. She believed that feminism was not a life style choice but a political statement. Race, class and gender all determine the extent to which individuals are exploited and oppressed. Female stereotypes: Women are much more emotional than men. Women are weaker than men. Women are bossy. Women have to be skinny in order to be beautiful . Women have to be conventionally beautiful. Women are better at being clean and tidy. Women are not good at sports. Women are unable to lead a team or be in charge. Women are shallow. Women are bad at driving. Women are see as easy if they have a lot of partners. Women are passive and do not have a voice in the media. Women are dependent on men. Women are motherly and domestic. Women are romantic and seductive. Women must marry and have children in order to be successful. Magazines generate revenue p...

The Feminist Theory.

Key Theory 8- Lisbet Van Zoonen. Key Theory 8- Lisbet Van Zoonen. She believed that gender is constructed and not something we are born with but something we learn over time through media products such as clothes and toys, meaning that the ideas of what is male and what is female is changed over time. She also said that women's bodies in media products are used for heterosexual male audiences, which reinforces patriarchal hegemony. The Alfred Hitchcock Article . Read the Alfred Hitchcock article   and make notes on content, ideology and lexis. Make sure to pick out several   (at least three) example sentences   that you can ultimately quote in the exam! In the article Hitchcock refers to Grace Kelly as "the cool, tantalising British- or Nordic type of beauty I look for in my actresses." suggesting that the reason the Kelly was hired for the role in Hitchcock's film was more because of her good looks and had very ...

Woman Magazine Content Review.

Woman Magazine Content Review. Women are portrayed by advertising to be wives, mother, love objects, dish washers, cleaners and not as people. this idea was wide spread because of the media's influence on people's lives. The sub genre of this magazine is women's life magazine. The codes and conventions that fit this genre talk about make up, fashion, cooking and home improvements. The magazine assumes that all women love looking beautiful, being domestic and serving their husbands.  The target audience for this magazine was for housewives in the 1960's. the magazine also suggests that women have less income than men because they do not work, this is shown with most of the articles talking about making the most of what you have and spending as little money as they can.   Some of the obvious cultural context of this magazine is the magazine assumes that all women like the same things such as knitting and cooking. As well as this the magazine talks a l...